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Call for applications for Erasmus+ students

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Call for applications for Erasmus+ students

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Call for applications for Erasmus+ students (traineeship)

The TUKE International Relations Office announces a call for applications for Erasmus+ student mobility for traineeship. Deadline for applications: 8 April 2021. Applications must be submitted to the office of your Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator.

Application process

  1. Choose your host institution from the list of the valid partner agreementsof your faculty, take into account the fields of study given in the agreements. You may wish to consult your faculty coordinator before choosing the partner institution.
  2. The application form for a student Erasmus+ traineeship mobility, together with all the necessary attachments, must be submitted to the faculty coordinator by the submission deadline given in the call for applications.
  3. After your application is approved by the representatives of your faculty, the TUKE Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator will invite you to an (online) info meeting where you will get further instructions.

More info HERE.